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Adobe Photoshop Tutorials from Beginner to Advanced | Psdtuts+

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Understanding the Inner Glow Setting in Photoshop

Understanding the Inner Glow Setting in Photoshop

Photoshop layer styles are a popular way to add effects, such as drop shadows and strokes, to layers in a non-destructive way. With the right knowledge and experience, any effect can be achieved. To achieve these effects, however, you need to understand what each setting does and how they can be combined to achieve a certain look. In this series by John Shaver from Design Panoply, we will explain every aspect of Photoshop’s layer styles feature and show you how to unlock their potential.

Quick Tip: Create a Plastic Switch in Photoshop

Quick Tip: Create a Plastic Switch in Photoshop

In this quick tip tutorial we will explain how to create a plastic switch in Photoshop that you can use in your interface designs. Let’s get started!

Improvements to Layer Style Feature in Photoshop CS6

Improvements to Layer Style Feature in Photoshop CS6

Photoshop layer styles are a popular way to add effects, such as drops shadows and strokes to layers in a non-destructive way. Layer styles were first introduced in version 6 of Photoshop, but since then, there have not been many significant updates. The new changes in Photoshop CS6 are the most drastic, and useful, since their inception over 10 years ago. In this article we will explain how Adobe has improved this popular feature. Let’s take a look!

This entry is part 20 of 20 in the Introduction to Photoshop CS6 Session
Transfer Artwork to a Wooden iPhone 4 Cover Using Photoshop and Filter Forge

Transfer Artwork to a Wooden iPhone 4 Cover Using Photoshop and Filter Forge

Photoshop is a fantastic tool for helping users creates images that can’t or don’t exist in real life. It is also a great tool for helping users create items that do exist in real life. In this tutorial, we will explain how you can use Filter Forge and Photoshop to create artwork that we will transfer to a wooden iPhone 4 cover. This technique involves applying an effect to an image in Filter Forge and then applying that image to a laser printout. We will then transfer that image to a wooden iPhone 4 cover. This technique is cheap, easy, and a lot of fun. Let’s get started!

Create a 1990′s Era Mobile Phone Icon in Photoshop

Create a 1990′s Era Mobile Phone Icon in Photoshop

In this tutorial we will explain how to create a 1990′s era mobile phone icon in Photoshop using a photo as a reference. Let’s get started!

The Photo Manipulations of LSD Photography

The Photo Manipulations of LSD Photography

LSD Photography is an award-winning photography studio based in Italy. In this article we will showcase some of our favorite work from their portfolio. Let’s take a look!

Submit Your Own Remix on Run Your Jewels

Submit Your Own Remix on Run Your Jewels

Hello everyone, we wanted to let you know about a project called Run Your Jewels. Run Your Jewels is a digital media remix competition that is curated by Depthcore’s Justin Maller. Every two weeks, a different artist uploads high resolution files of an original piece that you can remix and submit as an entry. Round Three of Run Your Jewels is now live featuring source artwork from Matei Apostolescu. If you’re interested, head over to the site to get started on your own remix for a chance to win a limited edition print! Have fun!

Quick Tip: Create a Round Switch Button in Photoshop

Quick Tip: Create a Round Switch Button in Photoshop

In this quick tip tutorial we will create a round switch button that you can use in your interface designs. Let’s get started!

Create a “Parry Hotter” Text Effect in Photoshop

Create a “Parry Hotter” Text Effect in Photoshop

In this quick tip tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a cinematic “Parry Hotter” Text Effect using the layer styles. Let’s get started!

Create a Cinemagraph (or Cinegraph) Using Photoshop CS6

Create a Cinemagraph (or Cinegraph) Using Photoshop CS6

Cinemagraphs or Cinegraphs are photos that also include movement. They are hybrid images that are eye-catching and unique. Thanks to the new Timeline features in Photoshop CS6, it is really easy to create your own cinemagraphs. In this tutorial, we will show you how. Let’s get started!

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